Analyze financial statements like Warren Buffett, even if you’re a complete beginner.

Learn how to identify a great business, spot red flags, and interpret the numbers like a professional investor.

Does this sound like you?

"I’ve been in business for years, but I still don’t know anything about accounting."

"I tune out when the numbers are discussed at work."

"I have no idea if my company is doing good or bad. The numbers always go right over my head."

"A stock I own just dropped and I have no idea why."

You're Not Alone.

The truth is the vast majority of business professionals & individual investors can’t read financial statements.

Which is like trying to build a skyscraper…but not knowing how to read a blueprint.

Here’s the good news:

Learning to analyze financial statements is not out of reach.

In fact, it’s a skill that anyone can master.

And you don’t have to memorize complex formulas, be good at math, or spend years studying accounting.

The key is to break down financial statements into their simplest parts and build up from there.

That's exactly what we do in The Buffett Method.

This quick, self-paced course will teach you how to find, read, and interpret financial statements in Plain English.

Meet Your Teachers

Brian Feroldi

Brian Feroldi has been investing in individual stocks since 2004. In the beginning, he had no idea what he was doing and got his teeth kicked in. His returns improved dramatically as his experience and knowledge about the stock market grew.

Brian’s career mission statement is “to demystify the stock market.” He loves to help other people do better with their investments. He has written over 3,000 articles on stocks, investing, and personal finance for the Motley Fool.

In 2022, Brian’s best-selling book Why Does The Stock Market Go Up? was published. It was written to explain how the stock market works in plain English.

Brian lives in New England with his wife and three kids.

Featured In:

Brian Stoffel has been investing in individual stocks since 2009 and is a teacher at heart. Brian has been investing for more than a decade and he has written more than 4,000 articles for The Motley Fool.

Brian worked as a middle school teacher in Washington DC for more than 5 years. He and his wife had a “mini-retirement” in Costa Rica and now spent a portion of their year there in a container-ship home.

Brian plans his life and his investments around “antifragile” principles.

Featured In:

Brian Stoffel

Who Is This Course For:


Those who want to learn how to analyze financial statements like a hedge fund manager.


Those eager to make better decisions and see through the eyes of an investor.

Business Professionals

Those who seek to make moves in business and climb the corporate ladder.

Our Students Come From:

Skills You'll Acquire:

Master The Fundamentals

You’ll be able to understand the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement better than most executives in the C-suite.

Lightning Fast Analysis

You’ll learn how to focus on the metrics and ratios that matter most, enabling you to make decisions at hyper-speed.

Spot Warning Signs

You’ll be able to identify financial yellow & red flags, so you can avoid businesses that are in trouble.

Think Like Warren Buffett

Learn the “rules of thumb” that Warren Buffett uses to tell if he’s found a great business.

Locate Key Information

Learn how to find accurate financial statements with just a few clicks.

Avoid Big Mistakes

Learn the most common mistakes financial analysis mistakes, so you can avoid them.

Why are we confident that you’ll be able to do all this?

Because that’s exactly what happened for the 500+ students who have already taken this course.

We asked out students to rate their financial analysis skills on a scale of 1-10 before & after taking our course.

Here’s what they told us happened:

But don’t just take our word for it.

Here from them directly:

Current Syllabus

We designed The Buffett Method using the crawl, walk, run learning framework.

Part 1: Crawl:

We begin by providing an overview of the three financial statements in plain English.
We show you what they mean, their basic layouts, and how to find them.

Part 2: Walk

Next, we cover each of the financial statements in detail.

We go line-by-line through each the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow statement.

We explaining what every term means on each statement using simply language
and analogies that are easy to remember.

Part 3: Run

With the basics mastered, we return to each of the financial statements to show you how to analyze them deeper.

We’ll show you a few simple formulas that makes it easy to analyze them quickly.

We’ll also show you how to spot red flags in that should set off warnings signs.

Then, we’ll show the “rules of thumb” that Warren Buffett uses when he is analyzing financial statements.

Part 4: Why Buffett Bought Apple

In the final section, we’ll show you how Apple stacks up against
Buffett’s financial statement rules of thumb.

Here's A Sneak Peak

PLUS, we’ll add in these bonuses to make this a no-brainier decision.

Bonus #1 – Presentation Slides ($299 Value)
You’ll gain access to all the slides we use to teach the live course, so you can easily follow along with the material and take notes.

Bonus #2 – Transcripts ($49 Value)
Prefer to read instead? We transcribed every word we said and will share it with you.

Bonus #3 – Homework Templates ($49 Value)
Practice makes perfect. We’ll give you access to the homework templates with you so you can practice analyzing the companies covered in the course.

Bonus #4 – Key Takeaways ($49 Value)
Need a quick refresher? We’ll give you access to summary slides for each lesson so you can catch up in a breeze.

Bonus #5 – Software Access ($99 Value)
Gain free access to our favorite investing tool. Plus, we’ll share an instructional video showing how we use it.

Bonus #6 – Accounting eBook ($49 Value)
We’ll share a custom-made accounting eBook with 41 infographics that will help you analyze financial statements quickly.

Course Value: $850
Bonus Value: $594
Total Value: $1,444

Yours Today For Just $299

Your investment is 100% risk free

We are 100% confident that you will love The Buffett Method.

We believe if you watch the videos and practice the homework, you’ll turn into a financial statement rock-star in no time.

In fact, we’re so confident that we’re will to put our money where our mouths are.

Get The Buffett Method today.

Try it out for a full 30 days.

Go through all of the modules.

If after 30 days, you don’t think it was 100% worth it, then email Brian at and we’ll give you a full refund.

No hassles, no questions asked.

So let's recap...

Full Course

Presentation Slides



Homework Templates


Finchat Discount

“By far the best investment you can make is in yourself.”

Warren Buffett

Ready to Start?

Unlock The Buffett Method Today


Q: I work full-time. What is the expected time commitment?
A: This is up to you. If you are pressed for time, you can get through all of the core lessons in less than 3 hours (or even faster if you watch it at 1.5x speed). If you want to absorb the material more slowly and do all of the practice & homework (which we recommend) it will take you closer to 6-8 hours in total.
Q: How long will I have access to the materials?
A: There’s no time limit. You’ll have access to the course & materials forever.
Q: Can I expense this course?
A: It's likely you can! Use this link to make a copy of a template that you can use to ask for reimbursement.
Q: What if I don’t live in the U.S.? Will this course still help me?
A: Yes! While this course is based on GAAP accounting (U.S. accounting standards), the core principles are still the same. Understanding the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, how they are related, and investing fundamentals are universal principles. However, IFRS (an international accounting standard) won't be covered.
Q: What’s the refund policy?
A: You can try the course risk-free for 30 days. If you’re not happy with it after that, simply email us at and we’ll provide a full refund.
Q: What makes this accounting course different?
A: Most accounting courses focus on managerial accounting, which teaches concepts such as T-accounts, variance analysis, debits, and credits. Those courses are designed for people who want to become accountants. This course is different. It’s not designed to teach students how to create financial statements. It focuses around how to read and analyze financial statements like an investor, which is the only skill that 99% of business professionals need.
Q: What if I have more questions?
A: If you want to talk in person, click here to book time with Brian Withers and he'll be happy to discuss the different options with you and give you a behind-the-paywall tour.

Ready To Start?