🧠 My Worst Investing Decisions


Welcome to the 735 new Long Term Mindset readers who signed up in the last week! If you haven’t subscribed, join 31,419+ other long-term thinkers by subscribing here.

A small change is coming to Long Term Mindset next week. We’re migrating to an email tool called ConvertKit, which has a lot more features.

The change should be unnoticeable on your end. However, there’s always a chance that this newsletter ends up in your spam folder.

We think the long-term gains will outweigh any short-term pain.

As always, thank you for spending some of your precious free time with us.

Brian Feroldi & Brian Stoffel

One Simple Graphic:

One Piece Of Timeless Content

J.L. Collins has become one of the most popular financial bloggers in the world. His book – The Simple Path To Wealth – has sold more than 500,000 copies.

Collins is a huge fan of index funds and always maintains a long-term mindset. If you’ve never read his famous stock series, we suggest you give it a look.

One Twitter Thread:

Learning to negotiate is a critical business skill. Yet, most people (like us) suck at it. This thread by Clint Murphy has a great framework that can help to level-up your skills:

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Clint Murphy

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June 16th 2022

One Resource:

“What are we going to watch?” is a recurring question in my house. The most useful tool I’ve ever found to fix this problem is movie of the night. Click which streaming services you use and the genre you are looking for, and you’ll have a HUGE list of potential movies to sort through in an instant. Plus, it’s free!

One Quote:

More From Us:

👨‍🎓 Enrollment in our financial statements course opens in late August

📗 If you’ve read my book, I’d love it if you would leave me a review.

📩 Email Brian Feroldi​