🧠 No Matter Your Net Worth


The first half of 2022 is – mercifully – over. Few six-month periods have been as painful for investors. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ declined by 20% and 29%, respectively. Our personal portfolios – which favor growth stocks – fared much worse.

Yet, we keep our sights on the long-term. We didn’t invest to make money in the first half of 2022. We invested to fund our lifestyles 20+ years from now.

By 2040, we expect this painful decline will be nothing more than a distant memory. We may even look back on it fondly as a great buying opportunity.

Brian Feroldi & Brian Stoffel

One Simple Graphic:

One Piece Of Timeless Content

Jon Morrow was born with muscular dystrophy. Later in life, he was in a car accident that left him unable to move anything but his eyes and lips.

And that’s when his story gets really interesting. He has not only survived, but thrived – amassing a fortune of wealth and wisdom along the way.

One Twitter Thread:

Ben Meer wrote this wonderful thread of 21 super-simple decisions that will massively boost your productivity.

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Ben Meer

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June 19th 2022

One Resource:

JP Morgan recently released their Q3 2022 Guide to the Markets. The report is filled with useful graphs & charts for investors to study.

One Quote:

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.“ — Winston Churchill

More From Us:

⚖️ Free Personal Finance Sheets (A great tool for tracking your net worth)

👨‍🎓 How To Read Financial Statements (Cohort 2 launches in September)📗

My Book (150+ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amazon ratings)

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